Supportiv vs Competitors

Updated: October 2023

Other peer support
  • Small group chat of people with shared lived experience.
  • 100% synchronous & professionally live-moderated with clinical oversight.
  • Fully anonymous.
  • In-person, video, texting, or large asynchronous community bulletin boards and forums.
  • 24/7-365 on-demand, always live.
  • Professionally guided peer-to-peer interaction, guaranteed in less than 1 minute wait time.
  • Scheduled weekly (or) queue in a line for next available “listener” up to 20 mins (or) just post a message and wait for a possible reply with no guarantee of response and/or chance of judgment/bullying/hate speech from trolls.
  • None: No app to download, No PHI collected, No registration or signup.
  • Just one single onboarding question: What’s your struggle?® Users type what their struggle is, and AI/NLP analysis of the free text determines dynamic routing to precision-matched peers in a live chat.
  • App to download.
  • Signup forms for registration.
  • Account creation with PHI.
  • Clinical assessment forms to complete prior to service access.
  • Small groups of peers (max 5) where each person has shared lived experience that is specific to the common struggle expressed by each user.
  • Each and every chat is live-moderated by a professional facilitator trained and provided by Supportiv.
  • One-on-one (venter and listener).
  • Larger open group forums that are “monitored” (but not in real-time).
  • Occupational peers that may or, more likely, may not have the lived experience in the life struggle you are facing.
About The Peers
  • Peers are those seeking support, matched together by Supportiv, due to their shared lived experience. Supportiv provides a professional facilitator for each peer-to-peer interaction.
  • Peers can be unpaid volunteers or “trained listeners” who are unlikely to have actual shared lived experience.
Supported struggle topics
  • An all-encompassing range of mental, emotional, and social struggle topics including daily life struggles and occupation-based struggles are supported around-the-clock.
  • Narrowed to one topic per forum, or appointment-based only on designated days and hours.
Device access
  • Chat available via any device: desktop/laptop, tablet, mobile phone.
  • Not an app. (Especially important to people in abusive situations to not have app evidence).
  • Nothing to download, no user registration. (No PHI).
  • Usually an app, unless in-person. Users identify themselves to app store when downloading, register, and/or appear on video.
  • Self-identification becomes a usage obstacle for many.

Not just venting! Supportiv moderators guide each conversation along a progression:

  1. Venting
  2. Empathetic validation from Supportiv moderator
  3. Compassion from matched peers
    Introduction of hyper-relevant coping skills
  4. Collaborative problem-solving facilitated by moderator
  5. Introduction of relevant healing techniques
  6. Navigation onward (optional)
  • Limited to venting and validation.
  • Without trained moderators, users may also experience: oversharing bad advice, uninformed opinions, domination from other group members.
Occupation-based peer matching
  • Presently available for healthcare workers, first responders, military, and teachers.
  • Two-tier matching system whereby Supportiv AI occupation matches for work-related struggles and general pool matches to find best possible peers for other life struggles.
  • N/A.
Included resources
  • Supportiv library of 34,000 vetted or self-help articles, videos, podcasts, produced mindfulness and meditation content, coping skills, tools, worksheets, and community services (SDOH) that are delivered in real-time as links in the chat only when they specifically match the need expressed by the user in the chat.
  • If resources are made available, users are left to figure out and find what’s relevant to them.
  • Ability to include partner-specific resources, services, and benefits that appear to only your population’s members as added navigational support throughout your entire ecosystem.
  • Stepped-care for higher acuity needs.
  • N/A.
Safety measures & crisis escalation
  • AI sorting for potential emergencies during initial struggle, and language detection specific to teen routing separate from adults.
    Mute, kickout, delete capabilities for moderators to manage and exit any trolls in real-time.
  • AI signaling + human-trained intervention with crisis protocols for potential emergency situations – including suicidal ideation, sexual assault, domestic violence, elder abuse, medical emergencies, self-harm, etc. which occur in <1% of all chats.
  • User who is crisis-referred sees their chat screen auto-redirected to relevant crisis hotlines, text-based crisis services, and/or the preferred escalation measures of our partners.
  • Varied/limited/lacking.
Population demographics
  • Serves ages 13+ including Medicaid and
  • Medicare
  • Median age user: 46
  • 37% male users
  • 42% BIPOC users
  • Teens routed to specialized peer groups, not included in adult chats.
  • Unknown.
Moderator training
  • Multi-month Moderator Training Academy (online course, interactive exercises, exam, use case practice, etc.) designed by Stanford University Academic, Clinical Psychology, PhD.
  • Ongoing skill improvement of moderators per established rubric and longitudinal evaluation periods under continuous clinical oversight.
  • N/A (or) unknown, of varying quality.
Outcomes measurements
  1. User ratings 1-5 scale of “Do you feel better?” at chat exit.
  2. Longitudinal serving of PHQ-8, GAD-7, PSS-10, UCLA Loneliness, WHO-5, etc.
  3. Sentiment analysis by partner cohort to measure decreases in loneliness, stress, sadness and anger, plus increases in positive sentiment
  4. Individual user emotion extraction from beginning and end of chat
  5. Qualitative feedback
  • Unknown.
AI | Machine learning | Natural language processing

Proprietary AI based on millions peer conversation data points leveraged to:

  1. Matching peers on the basis of their free text response to the single onboarding question: “What’s your struggle?”™
  2. Real-time resource recommendations personalized to the needs of the individual peer
  3. Crisis prediction (not just detection!) and protocol enactment
  4. Teen vs. adult routing
  5. Empathy evaluation and prompting to Supportiv mods
  6. Machine learning for continuous improvement from two live feedback loops (moderators and users)
  • Unknown.
  • Available in 20+ languages in 2024
  • English-only.
Top topics

Loneliness, social isolation
Parenting challenges
Caregiving burdens
Health & pain issues
Mental health conditions
Work issues
Family dynamics
Relationship struggles
Communication issues
Lack of focus
Anger, frustration, sadness
Academic pressure

  • Unknown
  1. Demographic
  2. Engagement, Utilization, and Retention
  3. Outcomes measurements (see above!)
  4. Partners can receive detailed (anonymized) analysis on topic trends within their specific populations for finger-on-the-pulse knowledge of population needs and relevance/gap analysis of existing programs, benefits, and services.
  • N/A.

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