Who we serve
Really helped gather my thoughts and settle a solution to calm myself.
For everyday struggles.

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Precision Peer Support®

Occupational-matched care for your workforce, in seconds

Among your workforce there are key segments —especially first responders, teachers, and government employees— who would benefit from mental, emotional and social support. Yet, they’re reluctant to engage with the resources you already have in place (often for good reasons). The resulting emotional and cognitive strain is evident in downgraded motivation, diminished focus, and lower productivity.

Supportiv’s anonymous and 24/7 Precision Peer SupportⓇ is proven effective at engaging the hardest-to-reach demographics with occupational matching, and helping individuals coping with, problem-solve, and even heal from struggles –which raises positive sentiment and re-motivates those who need it most.

Support. Every hour
of every day.

Zero-barrier access

One single step for instant care.
Just type in free text what it is you want to talk about.

Precision matching

Get matched with concurrent users using topic analysis. Immediate human connection in a small group, professionally moderated and safeguarded chat.

Hyper-targeted resources

No random one-size-fits-all tips here. Only hyper-personalized recommendations and referrals, based on exactly what you express you need in the chat.

Care through connection

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In their own words

Honestly helped me calm down quite a bit, and helped me make another step into getting better with everything I have been going through. This was a 9.5/10!
Always Anonymous
It’s so nice just to have someone listen and potentially relate to my trauma. I feel understood and hopeful of coping with my problems.
Always Anonymous
I do think I'll overcome my stress, and they did a lovely job at helping me believe so.
Always Anonymous
It was refreshing to hear from someone who doesn't know me at all. I appreciate honesty and I got that here!
Always Anonymous

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