Route to what best matches your needs, instantly, with Natural Language Navigation®

Supportiv partners with health plan and employer clients to fast-track members to precise care, services, and resources, using just their everyday communication, with its Natural Language Navigation® (NLN) service.

Route to what <b>best</b> matches your needs, instantly, with Natural Language Navigation®
Learn how Natural Language Navigation® delivers a better experience and more cost-efficient utilization
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Leapfrog searches, menus, forms, assessments, and questionnaires

The process of finding medical care, information or mental health support can be cumbersome, impersonal, and exhausting. Why not try describing what’s going on in your life, in your own words, free from the clinical and medical jargon, and get exactly the kind of support you need back, instantly?

What if you could bypass spending hours sifting through random articles on the internet, or filling in long, impersonal questionnaires to decipher the right advice or support that you need for your everyday struggle?

Route to hyper-personalized services and resources in seconds 

Instantly route your people to the most relevant service or resource by offering them the ability to type what they’re seeking in their own everyday words, free from clinical terminology. Using patented machine learning capabilities and a proprietary corpus of over 176 million support and care-specific data points, Supportiv navigates each user to the precisely relevant and most helpful care or support in seconds.

Bring the power of Natural Language Navigation® to your organization

Leverage Supportiv’s cutting-edge machine learning models within your platform, portal, site or app to enable instant routing to the most relevant and effective resources and services based on free-text responses.

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Get started in just four steps:


Content extraction

Supportiv crawls the list, directory, or pages of benefits, services, and/or resources available to members for pre-tagging and pre-processing.


Language analysis

Supportiv leverages its proprietary language corpus to extrapolate all the myriad ways people might articulate their needs for each one of these possible services or resources, in their own regular, everyday, non-clinical language.


Prompt optimized

Supportiv identifies a single question that will be used by the partner population as a prompt for the free text description of what they need help with. As examples, it could be “What’s your struggle?®”, “How can we support you?”, or “Tell us, what’s going on?”


Relevant resource delivery

Supportiv leverages its patented capability to match a user’s unstructured text response to this question with the most relevant resource, in mere seconds, including presenting a user with the exact links or landing page for the right benefit, service, or resource.

License our patented technology

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