Who we serve
I came in feeling really bad and now I feel like I can take on the world.
For everyday struggles.

Expanded engagement


Unmatched retention

Return users
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Meaningful impact

“Feel better” after using Supportiv
Precision Peer Support®

Emotional support with occupational matching, in seconds

As rewarding as working in healthcare can be, the emotional burden takes its toll. The last thing many healthcare workers want is to become a mental health patient of colleagues in the same health system. Especially clinicians, who are reluctant to seek care due to long-standing stigmas around licensure checks.

Supportiv offers hope and help with everyday struggles through Precision Peer Support®. Now healthcare workers can connect with peers who share similar occupational and life struggles, plus get hyper-personalized resources at the exact moment they need them. Clinical-grade outcomes in a stigma-free, sub-clinical experience. Anonymously, and on their own timetables.

Support. On call. 24/7

Engages hard-to-reach populations with a service they’ll actually use and love.

Zero-barrier access

One single step for instant care.
Just type in free text what it is you want to talk about.

Precision matching

Get matched with concurrent users using topic analysis. Immediate human connection in a small group, professionally moderated and safeguarded chat.

Hyper-targeted resources

No random one-size-fits-all tips here. Only hyper-personalized recommendations and referrals, based on exactly what you express you need in the chat.

Care that works

In their own words

Woke up at 5am very stressed, got onto this website, talked through my issue and arrived at a resolution that makes me feel so much better. Feeling confident bc now I know what to do.
Always Anonymous
Saying I feel better is an understatement. Sometimes my emotions get so loud especially with so much going on at once. The moderator was kind and patient and provided excellent resources.
Always Anonymous
10/10 loved it. Loved my moderator and loved having people with similar issues who also responded very supportively. Will use again.
Always Anonymous
After having the moderator and other people in the chat listening and responding to my situation, I felt heard and my heart felt lighter. I definitely walked out of here with a positive attitude.
Always Anonymous

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