47% of people think it's a sign of weakness to seek therapy

– OnePoll

At Supportiv, we believe that seeking support is a sign of strength.

Therapy may not appeal to everyone. But everyone deserves non-judgmental, easily accessible, ultra affordable, human-centered mental, emotional, or social support. That’s why we created Supportiv peer-to-peer support.

Here we outline the evidence-based* building blocks of Supportiv’s care philosophy

*Supportiv recognizes that calls for “evidence” often erase the lived experiences of non academic or otherwise marginalized voices.

Our philosophy is that traditional forms of evidence (like randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses) are instructive. But they are not the only sources of valid information on mental, emotional, and social health. For instance, peer support has been a cornerstone of wellbeing in marginalized communities since long before peer-reviewed research existed. We seek and welcome guidance from underrepresented voices, in order to inform our service, platform, and overall company philosophy.

Doctors are pushed to the limit and can’t always listen to our needs. 
Chatbots are not the answer.
If you are marginalized due to race, ethnicity, or identity, it’s even harder to access care.
A diagnosis shouldn’t have to be a prerequisite to receiving support.
Especially when many struggles are driven by loneliness and lack of social support, which can be addressed with sub-clinical care (and generate cost savings).
It can be hard to feel at ease in traditional care settings.
Your own life experience makes you an expert.
The shared lived experience of peer support is a key to connection and healing.
Peer support has been proven effective in addressing depression, anxiety, loneliness and stress in:
Peer support can also connect people to other forms of care.
Moderators hold the key to beneficial group interactions.
Venting can be a helpful release. But Supportiv is so much more than that.
Helping others is a path to helping yourself.

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