For good mental health, we have to experience the full range of feelings–even the unfamiliar emotions that make us uncomfortable. Use this worksheet to explore and adjust to the feelings you experience least often.
Take as little as 10 minutes to complete this worksheet by:
This worksheet is good for people who have experienced:
In order to feel fulfilled as a human, we have to feel the full range of emotions. However, based on our personality and life experiences, some emotions may feel less familiar or comfortable than others.
This worksheet helps you explore what emotions are unfamiliar to you, why you feel them less often than others, and how that may impact your wellbeing and happiness. Then, the worksheet helps identify ways to invite these emotions into your life, making them more comfortable to experience.
“Some people feel unable to express anger. We’re not talking about trying to control your anger in order to achieve something but actually being unable to express it even when it’s completely appropriate. If you can’t get angry, you might find yourself in harmful situations again and again because you didn’t react to similar events in the past.” – Exploring Your Mind
“Feeling numb can make it hard to connect with others, which creates loneliness or a sense of isolation in your experience.” – Hilary I. Lebow
“Generally speaking, sitting with unpleasant or unwanted feelings doesn’t feel great, but it’s still an important thing to do. Denying them disconnects you from your experiences and blocks natural ways of emotional expression.” – Crystal Raypole
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